
KIN will be taking over the Arnolfini for a long weekend with a multi-room extravaganza of music, conversations, games, skill-sharing and theatrical explorations, with activist meet-ups, live art and wandering provocateurs. Each of the six rooms has a full programme, and the spaces have been uniquely designed with participation and connection in mind. Please note that capacities are limited for each room, so please arrive early to your chosen sessions to guarantee entry.


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    Ticket type: Saturday Day
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    5 speakers, 15 minutes each and no scripts. True tales of passion, obsession and adventure.

    5×15 produce evenings of inspiration and entertainment for some of the world’s leading organisations and most discerning audiences. We’ll be hearing from Gavin Pretor Pinney from the Cloud Appreciation Society with a beginner’s guide to cloud spotting, Kate Gerbers from Unseen on modern day slavery, Alan Winfield on Robot Ethics, Jenny Riley from One25 on helping women escape street sex work, Isabella Tree on re-wilding her Sussex farm.